torstai 25. kesäkuuta 2015

Black list - one name

The team of Stark Adder and Ricky Vendetta has never been a league, merely a high power tool fueled by the co-operation of a teacher and a student. Vendetta has been working as the diamond head and I’ve been working as the machinery, he’s been the blade and I’ve been the hand wielding it. The Constrictors have certainly earned their status as a war party for all to heed, we’ve been moulded into a military unit with a chain of command – but still not a community of warriors with their common code of honour. We share the same interest, not the same goal.
Most people today are products of the civilized world, whereas I consider myself native. In order to be brought up to be a sentinel, anyone can become a trained animal the power of which is fearsome only when faced by those who are similar, yet weaker. The real question is this: why be tame when one has a chance to stand alone amidst the crowd, a beast of prey. Perfect unity with the wholeness requires perfect loneliness, that is being different from the superficial on a fundamental level.

I imagine myself in a pool of water completely calm, the surface of it at the height of my dan tian. The colour of the water is deep red, as is the power of aggression within. This doesn’t have anything to do with hate or anger; those are but emotions. Aggression is a form of energy, pure in its nature that’s most primal indeed, the very core. Above the pool there is a layer of mist, violet, hiding the top of my head from the third eye up. It is the light of perception I let myself dwell in, and it too stays as it is, static. "You see, strength without perception is spiritually useless, and therefore of no true value." These two forces in opposite ends, different as they may be, are united in the person that is I. If someone else entered the water it would create ripples; if somebody approached the site the movement of the air would likewise scatter the mist. While balanced mine is the lightning from the third eye, and so is the bedrock-like firmness of the dan tian foundation. Such harmony can only be found in solitude.

Never forget that it is night there. I am surrounded by blackness.

True art, be it poetry, painting, music or combat skills, can never be an instrument of achieving something of secondary value. Art does lie beyond value. Those who are not disciples, but in fact a part of the discipline itself, have come to understand that there is no reward in having what you’ve reached for, the treasure's in the reaching instead. Comprehend this, become the poorest of all living things, be torn apart from the world and – as Ikkyu said – shatter ten million mountains of iron with the tip of your staff.

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