lauantai 19. lokakuuta 2019

Relativity in a bubble

One day I was spending time in the woods, minding my own business so to speak. I heard something move up the hill and, assuming a person had taken a dog out, thought: "Never have a chance to be on your own". I was surprised though when two deers showed up from behind the bushes; they stopped and started staring at me apparently with interest.

I talked quietly to them just to keep them involved until I had my camera ready, but soon as I did the deers darted into the woods as if they sensed I was about to target them. I guess that's the animal way; luckily I did manage to film a short clip of them, which by the way made me wonder how they're able to run upon the terrain without breaking their legs.

The next thing that came to my mind was: what if the deers had attacked me instead? In spite of not being beasts of prey they probably would have killed me, you know they have the hooves and the muscularity, not to mention the fact that they are wild. Savage if you will.

There was another time when I happened to discuss fox in a henhouse-type of situation with a friend of mine. He said that it cannot be difficult to kill such a small predator when it comes to that, with bare hands that would be. So I gave him another example just for the comparison: domestic cat. What if one went crazy and wanted to hurt you in every way possible; they've got the claws and the teeth plus they're faster than most humans - a person would most likely end up visiting a doctor, if not something worse. What about a dog then, one that weighs, say, 30 kg or so? It's not even that much, but remember they used to be wolves - so what would a canine do in case he/she decides it is time to take your life? What would you do?

In museums we shelter the preserved bodies of animals with plexiglass in order to keep people from touching them, while in reality we use similar cover that's put around us for we do not want to be touched. For most people Nature and its beings have become symbols that have very little to do with any understanding of their true power. Life may be a form of story-telling, yet it's not a Disney movie. They say that a bubble is round because it is the most energy-efficient configuration; on the other hand we must not always rely on economy in search of strength and wisdom. To improve one must get tired. Break some tissue.